Autofluorescence in thick structure cluster of cells - (Apr/11/2013 )
Hi all,
I am growing heterogenous cells in dishes and my interest is to identify if my cells but these clusters of cells,(thick and round in shape, many layers) do have autofluroscence...
Is there a good fixation method to minimise autofluroscence in the cells which are thick , kind of 3D cluster.
Thank you.
Try using Bouins fixative (warning -Picric acid!). You can also immerse the samples in 20% DMSO, 20% methanol in PBS or TBS.
Hi bob1,
Sorry for the late reply.
Thanks alot for your suggestion...
But i thought that staining for tissue, no?
Yes, usually used for tissue, but should be able to use on cells too.
Hi bob1,
Thanks alot for the info