cDNA test on 1% agarose gel - (Apr/11/2013 )
Can we see the band of cDNA on agarose gel? I could not see it.
How much did you load?
Typically you wouldn't check the cDNA on a gel - the best you would hope for is a smear and it is likely to be faint.
Thanks Bob. Five ul was used for loading to the gel. Somebody is discussing with me about cDNA is single stranded or double stranded. She said because random primer is used in the reverse transcription, so, dimers can be seen on agarose gel. I think cDNA is single stranded.
cDNA is usually single stranded but could potentially form dimers; nothing to do with random primers though. You can still see single stranded DNA on a gel, it just doesn't take up the EtBr as well as double stranded DNA.
5 ul isn't a useful measurement, how much RNA was this from?