AA/DNA Sequence Splitter and PDB to FASTA converter - (Feb/05/2013 )
I haven't been here for a while (I think my former account name was Ikar, but unfortunately I forgot password and don't have the email account anymore for password recovery).
Also, I switched the field a little bit. I was a trained wet-lab biologist, and now I am heading a little bit more into computer science (currently I am doing molecular dynamics).
However, I just wrote two little web applications that were pretty useful for my former project, and I thought maybe some of you might find them useful, too.
I would be happy about some comments and suggestions:
Welcome back.
Pretty handy tools! I'd suggest that you use text or easier read image to list the title of the programs and their usage.
Apparently you are heading toward bioinformatics path, you may want to join the Bioinformatics interest group on bioforum http://www.protocol-online.org/forums/groups/3-bioinformatics-programming/
Thank you for the suggestion, I made some changes in design now!