9CFR virus testing (on bovine serum) - (Jan/17/2013 )
Good day,
I want to test our FBS according to "9 CFR 113.47 - Detection of extraneous viruses by the fluorescent antibody technique".
This means I have to test the serum for following viruses:
- Bovine Reovirus
- Rabies Virus
- Blue Tongue Virus
- Bovine Adenovirus
- Bovine Parvovirus
- Bovine respiratory syncytial virus
If you buy commercial serum it may well be already tested according to that standard, and if it isn't you should be able to buy (for a price probably) some that is.
The thing is, we produce serum ourselves and as of now send samples to an overseas lab in the US (as we are located in Australia) to be tested. We would like to start testing ourselves. And therefore need to get hold of the necessary antibodies.
Ah, right. Sorry can't help there then. I would be surprised if there isn't a kit out there somewhere for it though.