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Selenite F broth Salmonella color - (Oct/23/2012 )

Why salmonella give pink color to Selenite F Broth culture?


You can have a little red orange precipitate - not sure if it's Selenium oxide or sulfide - but probably not from any Salmonella.

-Phil Geis-

Thanks for your reply. Does this precipitate could be expected in E.coli growing in Selenite F Broth after 24 hours.
If we subculture many times in selenite broth will that it be like selective media like Bismuth Sulfite agar?


Don't think there's anything special about a bacterium in re. the precipitate. You shouldn't see much growth of E. coli as the purpose of the medium is to enrich Samonella spp. (esp. S. typhi ) in the presence of coliforms. Color might even be associated with the medium ageing. Selenite medium is indeed selective

-Phil Geis-