suggestions for making use of tissue slides - (Oct/18/2012 )
Hi friends,
I am working on epigenetics(specifically Dna associated proteins). I have parrafinized tissue slides, please suggest me how can i make use of those slides in my work. simple histology has alraedy been done on those slides
What sort of histology - many of the dying processes are quite damaging to DNA...
we have done Haematoxylin Eosin (H&E) Staining, McMANNUS' PERIODIC ACID SCHIFF'S (PAS) Staining, & Masson’s Trichrome Staining but that is in another study not included in epigenetics.
i wanted to know how can i use these slides for epigenetic studies?
Acid will degrade DNA quite quickly so I doubt they will be any use. No harm in trying though.