"Mickey Mouse" bands - (Oct/05/2012 )
It sounds like it might be a salt problem, but could you post a picture so we can be sure of the effect you are talking about
Here is a photo to illustrate what I am describing...
Does it occur consistently in the sample(s) that you have seen it in?
Are you boiling the samples for 5 min, or is it a lower temp?
You may be lysing your cells at too high a concentration - what volume is the 25 ug in?
It does not happen with all samples, despite the fact that I prepare them in the same manner.
I only heat my samples for five minutes. I do not boil them.
Twenty-five micrograms of protein is usually in a volume of 12-20 microliters.
Does the odd band formation happen in those samples with lower volume (i.e. higher concentration)?
i suspect that you are seeing some sort of aggregation/complex formation which is resulting in retarded migration. If you can, try boiling for 5 min or heating to 70 C for 10-15 min, one of the samples that consistently does this - this should denature the samples completely in the presence of SDS and a reducing agent.