Programmes - (Sep/10/2012 )
Try running this in padre by opening new file. We will discuss technical term then.
Example 4-1 Storing DNA in a variable, and printing it out
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Example 4-1 Storing DNA in a variable, and printing it out
# First we store the DNA in a variable called $DNA
# Next, we print the DNA onto the screen
print $DNA;
# Finally, we'll specifically tell the program to exit.
Working on windows,
Paste above program in padre, save it as
press F5.
See in command prompt your first Bioinformatics program.
Don't use capitals for variable names, use snake-case, unless you are defining constants. If you are going to do perl make sure you start using strict.
use strict;
my $dna = 'aaaaaatcgCCGGTTaaAT';
print "my DNA: ", $dna;
You don't need exit. I also can't remember print niceties for perl, I think perl allows variables to be embedded within double quotes....
you can:
use strict;
my $dna = lc 'aaaaaatcgCCGGTTaaAT';
print "my DNA: $dna ";
print "my dna:", dna.lower()
puts "my DNA: #{dna.downcase}"
downcase, oh ruby ...
val dna = "ATGCGGCCGGG"
println("My DNA: " + dna.toLowerCase)
(use '
(def dna "AGAGTCTGTC")
(println "My DNA:" (lower-case dna))
haskell (in repl)
import Data.Char
let dna = "ATATGATGAT"
"my dna: " ++ (map toLower dna)
Does anybody know how to run program written in sublime Edit 2? I made perl programme file from previous post 1+. I saved it in folder as .pl file (.pl stands for perl executive file). But unlike in Padre where F5 key stands for running program. I could not find run key.