Something Goofy in My Real Time Results - (Aug/01/2012 )
I am trying to establish a stable cell line for IMCD3 cells. I have transfected the cells with fugene for the purpose of gene knockdown. I picked the clones, and did RT PCR for initial screening of the clones. For some of the clones, the quantitative comparision ( 2^-ddCT) is actually showing an upregulation of gene than downregulation. I used actin as reference gene and I had the regular IMCD3 cells as control samples. I have gene knockdown upto 30 % for some clones, but for few clones its like four folds upregulated in transfected cells. I don't know whats going on... Help me.
Did you transfected also with a "mock" vector? Did you measured those cells too?
No I didn't.
Hey did you ever find out what was causing this problem because Im experiencing the same issues with my qPCR !!