Help for western blot wet transfer blurry bands - (Jul/16/2012 )
Hi please can someone help me with my western blot. I am currently using the western for the BDNF protein and each time I find following wet transfer the marker has 'diffused' across the PVDF. when I develop my bands are blurred and smudged across the lanes.
I preactivate my pvdf in methanol (5 secs) and run the transfer for 60mins at 100V
my transfer buffer is as follows:
so try this:
<*>up to 0.5 % SDS can be added if you transfer large proteins...if not, then let it be.
Transfer at 100 V for 1 hour is can also try 50 min...
Papaver on Mon Jul 16 15:13:41 2012 said:
<*>up to 0.5 % SDS can be added if you transfer large proteins...if not, then let it be.
Transfer at 100 V for 1 hour is can also try 50 min...
that should read "0.05% sds"