ORAC assay - Hydrophobic Powder Dissolving Problems - (Jul/12/2012 )
Hey All,
I am running an ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) assay and I'm having some problems.
I have a hydrophobic powder that I want to test but it has to be in solution to do so... and it will not go into solution. I have tried Acetone, Methanol, and Chloroform with no luck. It falls out of solution almost immediately after mixing. I have attempted some heating and on a rocker plate for 1 hour. When the movement stops, it falls out and the heating didn't seem to change much.
Can anyone give me some tips on a better solvent to use or ORAC advice in general?
Thank you,
Perhaps an oil and/or a surfactant then?
I could try that but I think don't think the reader would pick anything. The whole system is aquesous. Thank you though. I'm going to give it a try...
How about DMSO or DMF?