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homologous recombination question - (Jul/09/2012 )

H allo all,
I have a question about homologues recombination. I was reading a paper and it stated that because of being haploid , transformation could be difficult.
Why is this?

When you insert a vector with a homologue gene.. then you make it a "diploid" (at least for that gene, genes).
So I do not see what the problem is?
(they do this with bacteria too, so I do not understand this phrase).

Or does the author mean that in haploid cells, the enzymes/genes for homologue recombination are often "off" and not active and thus, even if you insert a second gene, it will not happen?




If it is topical, can you copy here the whole paragraph where this information is?



doles on Sun Jul 29 13:57:01 2012 said:


If it is topical, can you copy here the whole paragraph where this information is?


Not sure what you mean with topical, but this is the paragraph:

For several years the development of a genetic transformation system
applicable to

Plasmodium species has been widely perceived as the single
most important technical advance required by laboratory workers involved
in malaria research. The lack of such a system has greatly inhibited the
ability to investigate important aspects of drug resistance, antigenic variation,
cytoadherence and parasite differentiation. The problems encountered
in developing a transfection system for Plasmodium have been similar to
those experienced with T. gondii. There is no readily usable axenic culture
system for Plasmodium, transfected DNA must cross four membranes to
reach the nucleus, and the parasite is haploid for most
of its life cycle, a potential problem if transformation is mediated by homologous recombination.


It is a very specific question, and I am not really expert, but I guess the same cause (The proteins of homologous recombination system are not expressed in haploid state.).

I hope a real expert will answer you.

