5' Iodo - 2' deoxyuridine (IdU) disolve???? - (Jun/04/2012 )
Dear all!
I am meeting the problem to disolve IdU (5' Iodo- 2' deoxyuridine) of Sigma! Could you suggest me what solution or buffer to disolve IdU to get stock 10mg/ml?
BrdU or CldU was fine to disolve in water to get 10mg/ml, but IdU.
Thanks and looking for good suggestions.
according to the merck index (9th edition) it's soluble to 74 mg/ml in 0.2N naoh. this is the only solvent listed in which you will be able to attain the concentration you require.
Many thanks. I already tried 2.4% DMSO, but it didn't work. Maybe 0.2N NaOH work, because i already tried with 0.01N NaOH, but it was not disolved completely. I will try.