Uni question - (Apr/30/2012 )
Please kindly help me and possible explain to me for the following questions.
1) In the first project PCR you add 20pmol of a forward primer and 20pmol of a reverse primer. Assume that both primers are 20bp long and have the following composition: 5G, 5C, 5A, 5T. Further assume that none of the other PCR components will become limiting, the enzyme is forever active and you can run as many cycles as you need until the primers are exhausted. Further, you only obtain one PCR product of 200bp. How many DNA molecules have you produced? How many gram of DNA have you produced if the PCR product has an equal number of A,T G and C?
2) Why does 1 absorbance unit at 260nm of
a) dsDNA equal to 50 ug per ml
RNA equal to 40 ug per ml
c) Oligonucleotides equal 20 ug per ml.
IF you give us your attempts at answering these, then we can help further - these questions are for your benefit, not ours!
The first one is simple mathematics and some equations you should have learn't in high school science.
The second is also chemistry... for a cryptic answer think Homer: mmmmm B...