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Can anyone help me to identify what line is that??? - (Mar/28/2012 )

Does anyone know what line is at the bottom part of the gel??Is it occur because of protein degradation??? I am confused. Thank you for your help.~^_^~
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-new learner-

the lines you are seeing are not unusual. they are caused by buffer fronts which migrate through the gel during the run.


but y is the intensity is much higher than b4??but I use the same buffer.... Yesterday I run another gel but the spots are much less than u know y???although they are from different samples but supposely the outcome will give similarities....
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-new learner-

the gels show similarities but it looks like you ran the second gel longer and the buffer fronts ran off (nearly completely).

sometimes the buffer fronts are caused by aging components (often the sds, if you see the bromphenol blue run diffuse and sharpen at the end).


ok...thank i will run another gel n see the outcome...hopefully it gives positive results....

-new learner-