Interview with an old labmate(After the interview) - (Mar/13/2012 )
Dear Bioforumers
I did my interview ,the PI was very nice(the old labmate) but he said
1-He is ready for academic cooperation with me starting from today(he meant he wants to be my Phd supervisor) although I didn't ask him to do that, I think he is trying to preserve his project results and publishing rights
2-He is ready to official cooperation between our labs(his lab and the one one I'm working for)
He is expecting me to call to give my final decision but I'm confused I felt like a bird in a cage when he offered to be a supervisor,Should I accept?
The attitude of his students in the lab was not friendly towards me and I don't know why?
desertrose on Tue Mar 13 16:14:56 2012 said:
Dear Bioforumers
I did my interview ,the PI was very nice(the old labmate) but he said
1-He is ready for academic cooperation with me starting from today(he meant he wants to be my Phd supervisor) although I didn't ask him to do that, I think he is trying to preserve his project results and publishing rights
2-He is ready to official cooperation between our labs(his lab and the one one I'm working for)
He is expecting me to call to give my final decision but I'm confused I felt like a bird in a cage when he offered to be a supervisor,Should I accept?
The attitude of his students in the lab was not friendly towards me and I don't know why?
Its hard for us to give you advice. We werent there...
1. the students had a bad attitude? Why do you think that? What did you see/hear that you didnt like?
Also: keep in mind: you are the "new kid on the block", so of course, they will look at you, try to "read" you..
2. He wants to be your PhD supervisor? Sounds nice.. especially if you want to get a PhD, but I do wonder why this came up if you never told him you wanted to do a PhD.. sounds weird.. There must be a reason why this came up..
But the fact that the wants to be your PhD supervisor does mean he believes in you..
Not sure where you get this: "he is trying to preserve his project results and publishing rights".
I do not understand where you get this based on the fact he wants to be your supervisor...
3. "He is ready to official cooperation between our labs(his lab and the one one I'm working for)" ==> I do not understand this at all... You were applying for a new job, at a new/other lab... are they in the same building then? Are you going to stay in your lab but work for him or?
Anyway: nobody here can decide for you, thats up for you. But there are some oppertunities here.
He is prepared to help you get a PhD, he does seem to have faith in you, he must have enjoyed working with you because he wants to hire you after working with you..
Actually I was applying for a new job but he asked me if I prefer a personal collaboration with salary or lab to lab collaboration as he needs some equipments in my lab.
desertrose on Tue Mar 13 18:45:41 2012 said:
Actually I was applying for a new job but he asked me if I prefer a personal collaboration with salary or lab to lab collaboration as he needs some equipments in my lab.
but is he offering a job (research assistant/technician) or a PhD position because as pito has already mentioned, you're the only one who can decide this. So do you want to work or continue studying for the next 4 or so years? Furthermore, you have very little say about the lab to lab collaboration bec it will be an arrangement between your current PI (if s/he is agreeable to this) and your new prospective PI and what will the role of your current PI be in case s/he agrees to this collaboration eg as a co-supervisor or co-employer? Perhaps it's better ask for more details before you commit yourself...
casandra on Tue Mar 13 21:49:10 2012 said:
desertrose on Tue Mar 13 18:45:41 2012 said:
Actually I was applying for a new job but he asked me if I prefer a personal collaboration with salary or lab to lab collaboration as he needs some equipments in my lab.
but is he offering a job (research assistant/technician) or a PhD position because as pito has already mentioned, you're the only one who can decide this. So do you want to work or continue studying for the next 4 or so years? Furthermore, you have very little say about the lab to lab collaboration bec it will be an arrangement between your current PI (if s/he is agreeable to this) and your new prospective PI and what will the role of your current PI be in case s/he agrees to this collaboration eg as a co-supervisor or co-employer? Perhaps it's better ask for more details before you commit yourself...
I think the role of my current PI needs further discussion
I'm confused I felt he was very mysterious as I said before he was just a labmate(a Phd student) and I don't know more details about his character as a supervisor. I think I will wait for him to call to give myself more time to think