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How to prepare 1M EDTA with only Tris Base? - (Feb/09/2012 )

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You can't make 1 M EDTA. In my experience, this is the typical sort of error I find in Nature Protocols. It's pretty clear they don't actually test them in the way they are actually documented, but rather reconstruct them as they think they could possibly be implemented, if things worked out.


Thanks. I just realized that the authors of the Nature article probably didn't prepare the EDTA solution at 1M, rather at a more realistic molarity, because all EDTA mentioned in the paper are in diluted form.
It makes me wonder why they would include the recipe for a 1L 1M EDTA in the "Materials" section.


bob1 on Thu Feb 9 21:11:35 2012 said:

...... the pH will be dependent on the pH of the water (MilliQ is about pH 6 due to the deionisation process)...

Ro water has no buffering capacity so this is irrelevent


ickypimp on Thu Feb 16 23:40:27 2012 said:

bob1 on Thu Feb 9 21:11:35 2012 said:

...... the pH will be dependent on the pH of the water (MilliQ is about pH 6 due to the deionisation process)...

Ro water has no buffering capacity so this is irrelevent

true, but not irrelevant. it is acidified and will be adding acid to the buffering agent.

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