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RBC LYSIS BUFFER - (Dec/13/2011 )

I am using the following RBC lysis buffer composition for lysis of chicken RBCs

Ammonium chloride 8.3 g
Potassium bicobonate 1.0 g
EDTA 0.037 g

pH adjusted to 7.4 using 1N HCl

final volume to 1 litre using distilled water

autoclaved and storage at room temperature

most references suggesting the above one but still I am unable to lyse RBC completely

if anyone knows pl kindly reply


don't autoclave bicarbonates. prepare them fresh and filter sterilize if necessary.


mdfenko on Tue Dec 13 17:44:05 2011 said:

don't autoclave bicarbonates. prepare them fresh and filter sterilize if necessary.

thank you sir...
