isolation of genomic DNA from chicken blood in conventional method - (Dec/12/2011 )
if anyone knew pl kind sent it to me
Look for a procedure called "buffy coat", then proceed from there.
bob1 on Mon Dec 12 19:54:19 2011 said:
Look for a procedure called "buffy coat", then proceed from there.
thank you, still since i am isolating from chicken blood i need to collect DNA from RBC also.. i am finding difficult in completely get rid off lysed RBC.
You could extract DNA directly from whole blood using one of our product AquaPreserve in three simple steps: 1) use AquaPreserve to lyse the blood cells and extract the DNA, 2) use ProSink to precipitate the proteins, and then 3) use isopropanol to precipitate the DNA. No buffy coat, no WBC fractionation, no RBC lysis, no hemoglobin digest, no phenol/chloroform, and no column. I am sure you will like it!