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PhD age - (Dec/01/2011 )

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For all the PhDs and PhD-soon-to-be s,

at what age did you start your PhD?

-science noob-

I started the year I turned 27








In masters program b/c it is my first year, hoping to transfer out into PhD so by 21 I guess. Feels weird since most people in the lab are like in their 30's, are married, and even have kids. Also some have a million publications it seems.

-Ryan Ho-




And I am thinking to get married once I finished the degree


Nrelo on Thu Jan 19 12:49:24 2012 said:


And I am thinking to get married once I finished the degree

I got married at the beginning of the third year of my PhD (April last year actually) :)


leelee on Fri Jan 20 03:30:30 2012 said:

Nrelo on Thu Jan 19 12:49:24 2012 said:


And I am thinking to get married once I finished the degree

I got married at the beginning of the third year of my PhD (April last year actually)

Congrats to you leelee

-Adrian K-
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