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AKTA Injection Syringes - (Nov/26/2011 )


We currently use the Superdex 200 10/300 GL column for our gel filtration of HMW proteins. I was wondering how people usually inject their sample into this column. We currently just use a insulin syringe with a removable tip to lock it into the injection port. However we seem to lose some proteins and introduce gas. Can anyone point me to a catalog number of some syringes and protocols that people use?


-Jordan W-

you should have a look at this, its an orginal GE document and they give instructions on sample loading using a syringe.
I don't know how well equiped your machine is (what pumps you have and so on) ...but you may consider using a sample loop or a superloop.



I guess its usual to loose some sample when u use the syringe or sample loop -


Large sample loop can allow you to dilute the sample and thus the u will loose less protein when loading
