What's the shortest amount of time a PhD can be completed in? - (Sep/16/2011 )
Considering going for molecular biology, have a couple years lab experience.
Ahrenhase on Sat Sep 17 03:25:36 2011 said:
Considering going for molecular biology, have a couple years lab experience.
It depends on the country, institute or the university....but I think, in a regular program, the shortest would be 3 years...there could probably be exceptions (less than 3 years) but those would be rare and really.... exceptional ....
The minimum time that you are allowed to finish, in the UK/European/commonwealth system is 2 years typically. It would be extremely unusual to finish in that time, even if you were already working on the project (so you know the literature, techniques etc.) before you started.
The average time is about 3.5 years.
...and especially the topic/project...If you have a great or stunning idea or discovery then less than two years can be enough. I once meet a PhD student who did it this way...one among many (around 60 perhaps I met so far). A regular PhD program can of course prolong it because of a fixed schedule.
I finished in 2 years and 9 months. my boss finished 2,5 years. It depends on the country though. I hear many people finish PhD more than 3 years.
Curtis on Sun Sep 18 07:30:56 2011 said:
I finished in 2 years and 9 months. my boss finished 2,5 years. It depends on the country though. I hear many people finish PhD more than 3 years.
Mind to PM me which lab you do your PhD? I thought of joining in the near future...

Wow! I'd be studying in the US. Until now, I typically heard 4-7 years, but I guess that's just the average.
In the US PhDs tent to be longer than in EU. To my knowledge in the US your PI decides when you'r ready to defend the thesis while in the EU you have a fixed time to finish.
RuteFerreira on Fri Dec 9 13:07:35 2011 said:
In the US PhDs tent to be longer than in EU. To my knowledge in the US your PI decides when you'r ready to defend the thesis while in the EU you have a fixed time to finish.
You forget to mention one big difference: in most european contries you need a mastersdegree to do a PhD....
In usa you dont...
That is also true. Still. honestly i don't belive the master makes any difference :x I did it and it didn't bring a lot more to what i knew... What's really important it's your undergrad. Unfortunately, it's becoming a lot more simpler to do un undergrad.