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Question answer in Molecular Biology - (Sep/05/2011 )

1. In 1964, Marshall Nirenberg broke the genetic code by showing that UUU is the mRNA codon for the amino acid
(a) glycine.
(B) tryptophan.
(c) valine.
(d) threonine.
(e) none of these.

2. The virulence of pneumococcus is associated with its
(a) chromosome.
(B) ribosome.
(c) capsule.
(d) lysosomes.
(e) none of these.

3. DNA was first discovered by
(a) Feulgen.
(B) Griffith.
(c) Mendel.
(d) Miescher.
(e) none of these.

4. The eukaryotic chromosome contains
(a) DNA.
(B) protein,
(c) RNA.
(d) nucleosome spools.
(e) all of these.

5. There are three hydrogen bonds between complementary adenine and thymine bases.
(a) True (B) False

6. One complete coil of the DNA helix is 10 bases long.
(a) True (B) False

7. A significant piece of data influencing Watson and Crick was the x-ray diffraction photographs of B-DNA taken by Rosalind Franklin.
(a) True (B) False

8. The two helical strands of DNA are held together by covalent bonds.
(a) True (B) False

9. DNA polymerase is involved in the formation of mRNA.
(a) True (B) False

10. Meselson and Stahl showed clearly that DNA replication was semiconservative.
(a) True (B) False


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