Question answer in Molecular Biology - (Sep/05/2011 )
1. In 1964, Marshall Nirenberg broke the genetic code by showing that UUU is the mRNA codon for the amino acid
(a) glycine.
( tryptophan.
(c) valine.
(d) threonine.
(e) none of these.
2. The virulence of pneumococcus is associated with its
(a) chromosome.
( ribosome.
(c) capsule.
(d) lysosomes.
(e) none of these.
3. DNA was first discovered by
(a) Feulgen.
( Griffith.
(c) Mendel.
(d) Miescher.
(e) none of these.
4. The eukaryotic chromosome contains
(a) DNA.
( protein,
(c) RNA.
(d) nucleosome spools.
(e) all of these.
5. There are three hydrogen bonds between complementary adenine and thymine bases.
(a) True ( False
6. One complete coil of the DNA helix is 10 bases long.
(a) True ( False
7. A significant piece of data influencing Watson and Crick was the x-ray diffraction photographs of B-DNA taken by Rosalind Franklin.
(a) True ( False
8. The two helical strands of DNA are held together by covalent bonds.
(a) True ( False
9. DNA polymerase is involved in the formation of mRNA.
(a) True ( False
10. Meselson and Stahl showed clearly that DNA replication was semiconservative.
(a) True ( False
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