Lipofectamine and transfection - (Jul/12/2011 )
I did a transfection experiment yesterday using Lipofectamine 2000. Unfortunately I waited about 35-40 minutes (instead of the recommended 5-30 minutes) for my Lipofectamine and Optimem master mix to incubate at room temp before I added my DNA. Invitrogen said the protein expression may be reduced, but I'd like to know how much reduced--that is, if I can still expect decent protein expression, if at all. I used GFP promoter to express F1L mutants (which are about 50 kda total), and I expressed them in HEK 293 T cells at 80-90% confluency. Thanks!
You should be fine. The encapsulated DNA should be pretty stable even at room temperature.
pcrman on Wed Jul 13 03:56:52 2011 said:
You should be fine. The encapsulated DNA should be pretty stable even at room temperature.
yeah, and 293T are very easy to transfect, so you should have no problem at all.