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units calculation - (Jun/14/2011 )

I have bottle of IL2. it is said to dilute in 100mM acetic acid to a final concentration of 100ug/ml atleast. Now I need how many units would that be. And how to dilute that in 100mM acetic acid.


let me make it clear. I have IL 2 in a bottle of 5ug. I need to dilute it in 100mM acetic acid to a final concentration of not less than 100 ug/ml. The activity of it is 5*10^6 U/mg.
Now I need 2000 U of il-2 for my experiment. So, how much volume of acetic acid I should dilute it in to get a stock of say 500U per ul?


So you have 5,000,000 U/mg or 5,000 U/ug and 5 ug... you have 2,5000 U total. To get 500 U/ul V=N/C = 2,5000/500 =...


ok, thanks
