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removal of residual ethanol - wht to do if i have ETOH in my eluate? (Jun/02/2011 )

I am using a commercial extraction kit to do DNA extractions. I normally wait enought time to evaporate ethanol after wash step and then proceed to elution, however last time i was in hurry and didnt let my column stand much. Form Nanodrop reading of A260/230 (which is 0,9) i suspect ethanol contamination. Is there any way to remove this ethanol? i culd do ethanol precipation but my yield is not much, i dont want to lose more DNA with another ppt you think it can be incubated in heat block for sometime?
thank you very much!



Yup. Leaving the tube in a heating block would remove the ethanol.
However you want to keep an eye out not to over dry the DNA. Over dried DNA is very hard to resuspend.


perneseblue on Fri Jun 3 05:29:39 2011 said:

Yup. Leaving the tube in a heating block would remove the ethanol.
However you want to keep an eye out not to over dry the DNA. Over dried DNA is very hard to resuspend.

Thank you perneseblue for replying. I want to use this dna fragment in cloning.This DNA has ss sticky ends i wonder if heating the dna to 50 C or so would disrupt the single strand ends, and eventually ruin my cloning?
