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Comprehensive list of microRNA target database and softwares - microRNA target database and softwares (May/16/2011 )

Comprehensive list of microRNA target database and softwares as follows:

(1)miRBase: it is a gold-standard database of microRNA sequences. it provided links of microRNA targets predicted by other target predictions, such as PicTar. release date: Sept, 2010. website:

(2)starBase: A public platform for exploring miRNA-target interactions from CLIP-Seq (HITS-CLIP, PAR-CLIP) and degradome sequencing (PARE) data. It also provides intersections of multiple target predictions, such as Targetscan, PicTar, miRanda, PITA, RNA22 and miRSVR. release date: May, 2011. website:

(3)TarBase: A database of experimentally supported animal microRNA targets. release date: January, 2009. website:

(4)miRecords: an integrated microRNA target database. It provides miRNA-target relationships predicted by multiple target predictions, such as Targetscan, PicTar, miRanda, PITA and RNA22.

(5) targetScan: a well-known software for predicting microRNA targets from conserved UTR sequences. It was developed by Bartel lab. release date: April, 2009 (v5.1). website:

(6) PicTar: a software for predicting microRNA targets by combining multiple microRNAs or targets. It was developed by Rajewsky lab. release date: March, 2007. website:

(7) PITA: it predicted microRNA targets based on target-site accessibility and minimum free energy. release date: August, 2008.

(8) RNA22: it is one of popular microRNA target prediction softwares. release date: 2007. website:

(9) miRanda and It include software(miRanda) and database ( The newest version of miRanda also be called mirSVR. release date: August, 2010. website:

(10) MicroCosm: it is a microrna target database developed by Enright lab at EMBL-EBI. release date: August, 2010. website:

(11) miRTarBase: a experimentally verified miRNA target base. October, 2010. website:

(12)miRGator v2.0:a integrated database of microRNA expression and targets. release date: November, 2010. website:

(13)MiRNAMap: a integrated database of microRNA and their targets. January, 2008. website:

(14) miRDB: animal microRNA target prediction and functional annotation. release date: August, 2010. website:

(15) RNAhybrida easy, fast and flexible software for predicting microRNA targets. release version: v2.1. website:


For Plant microRNA targets:

(1) Targetfinder, predicts small RNA targets in a sequence database using a plant-based scoring metric. release date: Aug, 2010. website:

(2) starBase: A public platform for exploring miRNA-target interactions from degradome sequencing (Degradome-Seq, PARE) data. release date: May, 2011. website:

(3)miRU, psRNATarget: an automated plant miRNA target prediction server. website:

(4) CleaveLand, a pipeline for using degradome data to find cleaved small RNA targets. release date: March, 2010, website:

(5) Target-align: a tool for plant microRNA target identification. release date: 2010, website:


new miRNA target database.

(1) ChIPBase, decoding the post-transcriptional and transcriptional regulation of microRNAs from CLIP-Seq and ChIP-Seq data. It constructed TF(transcription factor)->microRNA->targetsregulatory networks.

(2) doRiNA: a database of RNA interactions in post-transcriptional regulation.


Thanks for the useful links. Do you know about the Nucleic Acids Research Online Database (see links on right hand side of page here)?
