Heatmap from excel file - microarray data (Mar/31/2011 )
I need help to make heat map with excel file of microarray data. and how i can make different cluster according to functional group of the genes.If someone know which programme i can use which is publically available online.
Thank you very much in anticipating
hi, look for cluster 3.0 and java treeview on the web using google.
you have to convert your excel file to a .txt file but this should be no problem.
you can use R
to import your data in R from excel, you've to export your sheet in csv format (tab delimited)
in R :
A <- read.table("your file.csv",header=TRUE,row.names=TRUE,sep="\t")
here's more info and examples : http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/moac/students/peter_cock/r/heatmap/
Please excuse me to bring an old topic up. However I need some help in getting the Microarray data (Excel sheet) in a format which cluster understand. Is there any possibility that someone can explain step by step the process from the beginning (Excel) to the end (Java Treeviewer). I really appreciate you help.