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dye protein ladder - (Mar/11/2011 )

I have an unstained high-molecular weight protein ladder and I would like to add a dye so that I can see the bands during electrophoresis.

Does anyone know a dye I can add to the ladder to do this? I'm thinking ponceau maybe.


I think those colourful protein ladders use conjugated dyes, not just added freely.


Yep, rainbow marker etc all have conjugated bands, I don't know of any marker that can be added and will stay with the protein during electrophoresis. YOu could however make a loading dye with different size dyes (e.g. bromophenol blue, orange G, xyxlene cyanol...) to act as a proxy for the ladder.


How about coomassie staining? If it stains protein in-gel, it should stain them in solution..


madrius1 on Mon Mar 14 17:09:01 2011 said:

How about coomassie staining? If it stains protein in-gel, it should stain them in solution..

coomassie can be removed electrophoretically. it won't stay with the protein during electrophoresis (yes, i have seen the dye come off during electrophoresis of coomassie stained samples).


Didn't know that ^^
