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mtt at early time points? - (Jan/25/2011 )

Hi, I´m new to this field. Is it a good idea to quantify amount of adherent cells on titanium at early time-points(30 min, 1h ...) with MTT assay?

One thought I had was that newly trypsinized cells that are seeded on a surface are not very happy, which perhaps affect their metabolic activity - measured by MTT.

So my question, is MTT a suitable technique for newly trypsinized cells adhered on a surface for 30 min?

Grateful for any help!



If you want to quantify how many cells attached to the surface and compare to late time points after the removal of unattached cells, yes, you could do that.

Remember that this assay takes 2- 4 hrs of incubation time to allow the bioconversion of MTT into colored product.


genehunter on Tue Jan 25 16:59:48 2011 said:

If you want to quantify how many cells attached to the surface and compare to late time points after the removal of unattached cells, yes, you could do that.

Remember that this assay takes 2- 4 hrs of incubation time to allow the bioconversion of MTT into colored product.

okey nice, so you don´t think that there is any big difference in amount of metabolic activity per cell 15 vs 180 minutes after seeding?



I dont believe this technique is the right one to use to assess any metabolic changes during cell reattachment, because the time (2-4 hrs) required for cells to convert the substrate.


okey, thanks for the input. I think I´ll quantify with DAPI instead...



I plate my cells 12-24 hours before changing the media out and adding my various treatments.
