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chimeric transcription factor - (Dec/20/2010 )


Does anyone knows what the term "chimeric" means in connection with a transcription factor?

My assumption is that a transcription factor is called "chimeric" if it can be activated by a
molecule which derives from another species.

I'll be happy if someone is can give me the exact definition. :)



Chimeric transcription factors are transcription factors with dys-regulated functions. For ex normal transcription factor which is supposed to activate expression in its chimeric form couldn't activate that particular gene expression.

Hope it convinced you.


Thank you for your answer!
But that summons up another question: What is a "dys-regulation"?

I understood your explanations this way: I have a transcription that causes gene expression
of a specific gene. And if this transcription factor is transformed into it's chimeric form it
will activate the gene expression of an other gene?


That is a good question...

I would think that a chimeric transcription factor would be a factor with fragments/domains of different origins, not necessarily disregulated, for example:

Transcription factor A with the DNA binding domain of transcription factor B, or, mouse transcription factor A with human transcription factor A Nuclear Localization Signal.

It could potentially retain function but the protein would be chimeric...

Best regards


Now I've recently read that the term "chimeric" means that such a transcription factor is
synthesized of different building block that come from different species.
