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strange problem in PAGE gel - (Nov/30/2010 )

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I clean my (already cleaned by soap and dist. water) plates with EtOH before pouring gel.
What do you refer by "wrap"?

mdfenko on Tue Dec 7 19:34:21 2010 said:

you only need to degas the gel mixture prior to the addition of aps (and temed, if you wish).

maybe your plates aren't as clean as they seem. very slight contamination can be a problem.

or maybe your plates have started to warp.


How are your combs looking? If they don't fit snugly (like if the end piece breaks off), then it can do some screwy things to your gel.


bonku on Tue Dec 7 19:52:41 2010 said:

I clean my (already cleaned by soap and dist. water) plates with EtOH before pouring gel.
What do you refer by "wrap"?

that's "warp". the plate can become less flat (bent) over time.

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