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Did you use Invivofectamine (Invitrogen) ? - (Nov/29/2010 )

Hi people!

I will start up a set of experiments in which we want to knock down some genes in the mouse liver specifically. A few days ago, I got an email from a colleague who thought that the invivofectamine from Invitrogen could be worth checking out. I have no previous experience with knocking down genes and therefore I want to ask the users of this system:

- Did it work well?

- Anything you should watch out for?

- Pros and cons, anything you noticed..? =)

Thanks in advance


Try hydrodynamic injection!!!


I quote genehunter!


I used Invivofectamine2.0 to knock down gene specifically in mouse liver, it worked awesome !! Great knock down and very long effect more than 2 weeks at 5mg/kg and no need to do hydrodynamic injection.

I totally recommend it ! good luck,


Berga on Mon Nov 29 13:01:41 2010 said:

Hi people!

I will start up a set of experiments in which we want to knock down some genes in the mouse liver specifically. A few days ago, I got an email from a colleague who thought that the invivofectamine from Invitrogen could be worth checking out. I have no previous experience with knocking down genes and therefore I want to ask the users of this system:

- Did it work well?

- Anything you should watch out for?

- Pros and cons, anything you noticed..? =)

Thanks in advance
