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looking for a good sequence analysis program - (Nov/22/2010 )

I have many long sequences that I need to edit selecting only specific regions, e.g. 153-256bp and 550-1055. Besides using Microsoft Word's "Word Count" feature to help me find these base numbers, can someone recommend a good program for completing this task? Thank you!


try the STADEN package:


Thank you for the suggestion. However, the STADEN package requires a certain level of UNIX programming knowledge, which is beyond my capabilities at this point. It's faster to just use MS Word. Can you suggest a simpler program that allows the user to quickly identify, highlight, and copy a specific region in a sequence?

perlmunky on Mon Nov 22 18:49:12 2010 said:

try the STADEN package:


staden version 1.70 has a windows version that should do the trick for you. you can find it on the downloads page.


Any basic DNA editing program will give you base numbers and allow you to select them and edit.


BioEdit ( ) is an oldie but goodie. I have played around with other programs (CLC, Geneious) but I keep coming back to BioEdit.


"SeqCorator" is a new type of sequence-graphics mixing tool that brings advanced graphics to the world of sequence analysis and illustration, creating an environment akin to a combination of Word and PowerPoint that understands sequence data. The integration of graphic drawing and styled text editing enables innovative ways for designing experiments, annotating sequences and features, and creating eye-catching presentations.

you can download at,It is free.
And also you can use NoeClone(download at for edit selecting only specific regions
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