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The word "titurate" - (Oct/20/2010 )

Is "titurate" a real word? It is useful word used a fair amount in the scientific literature to describe pipetting up and down to dissociate cells, but it doesn't appear to be defined in any dictionaries. Anyone know where/when it was first used? A better alternative word, perhaps? A fairly cursory search on the internet didn't help very much. Thanks


"triturate" is used to say that you pipette up and down to mix (or homogenize) a solution.

it actually means to grind into a fine powder.


mdfenko on Wed Oct 20 19:25:48 2010 said:

"triturate" is used to say that you pipette up and down to mix (or homogenize) a solution.

it actually means to grind into a fine powder.

Thanks. I guess it would have helped if I actually spelled the word correctly!
