How to deliver dsRNA to target organism? - (Oct/16/2010 )
Is it possible to somehow keep a viable dsRNA in a microcapsule? How stable is a dsRNA under different condiftion?? I just learned that dsRNA can silent gene expression. I wonder whether it is possible to deliver dsRNA for a resistant gene together with insecticide to control pest. Anyone has any idea or knows any paper regarding this topic?
There are plenty of people already working on that idea. The most viable vectors at the moment are things like lentivirus and liposome mediated transfections.
bob1 on Mon Oct 18 00:46:43 2010 said:
There are plenty of people already working on that idea. The most viable vectors at the moment are things like lentivirus and liposome mediated transfections.
I see. I'll check on that. Thanks for replying!