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What is the importance of intron sequence? - (Oct/03/2010 )

May i know what is the importance of intron sequence? Lets say i have a novel cDNA sequence of one gene. Is it good to get its intronic sequence as well? What can an intronic sequence tell?


There may be regulatory elements within the intron sequence, such as sequences that code for si/mi/shRNA, promoters, protein binding sequences etc. It may or may not be helpful to have this sequence, it really depends on the aim of your project and whether you can find some way of predicting the sites of interest or not.


bob1 on Sun Oct 3 23:22:37 2010 said:

There may be regulatory elements within the intron sequence, such as sequences that code for si/mi/shRNA, promoters, protein binding sequences etc. It may or may not be helpful to have this sequence, it really depends on the aim of your project and whether you can find some way of predicting the sites of interest or not.

Is promoter considered as an intron?


No, usually the promoters are upstream of the start site. There may be promoters for other genes within intron of your gene though.
