MDA-MB-231 cells question - (Sep/10/2010 )
Hi, all!
Just ordered MDA-MB-231 cells from ATCC and L-15 media for it. Their web site says that cells should be in 100% air, 37C conditions. Later, I found online that some people grow these cells in regular 5% CO2, 37C incubators using DMEM media with 10% FBS. So, which is it???
Thanks in advance.
If you are getting stocks from the ATCC, you should follow their protocols for culture initially at least, but you can wean cultures on to different conditions over several passages. Just make sure that the cells continue to grow at the same rates as they do under the ATCC conditions and maintain their morphology etc.
I just checked ATCC and your correct 100% atmosphere w/o CO2. I've grown these cells before, but it has always been under 95%/5%CO2. Like Bob said, I would grow them under the conditions that ATCC recommends, but in addition you may want to make freezebacks in this initial state i.e. the first couple of passages in case something goes wrong as you accommodate the cells to different conditions. In the past, people have acclimated the cells to grow in other mediums including IMEM, DMEM and RPMI in addition to the starting medium you mentioned. Good Luck!
MJD on Sat Sep 11 20:53:30 2010 said:
I just checked ATCC and your correct 100% atmosphere w/o CO2. I've grown these cells before, but it has always been under 95%/5%CO2. Like Bob said, I would grow them under the conditions that ATCC recommends, but in addition you may want to make freezebacks in this initial state i.e. the first couple of passages in case something goes wrong as you accommodate the cells to different conditions. In the past, people have acclimated the cells to grow in other mediums including IMEM, DMEM and RPMI in addition to the starting medium you mentioned. Good Luck!