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storing plasmid - -80degrees (Sep/06/2010 )

I had to leave my lab and ask someone to ship my plasmids to my new lab in a different country. I was told to leave them in -80 degrees freezer. Are they stable at such low temperatures?


Your plasmids should be fine at -80 C. My lab typically kept a working stock of plasmids in the -20 C, while the stock plasmids were kept in -80 C.


As DNA, plasmids will keep fine at 4 deg C, or if dryed onto filter paper will keep indefinitely at room temp. Always store glycerol stocks at -80.


Thank you. Its important to note that I stored my plasmid in -80deg as they are, i.e without any glycerol. Should they be alright in there for 2 weeks?



If they are just DNA, they will be absolutely fine for as long as you like. If they are in the bacteria and frozen without glycerol, then you won't be able to grow the bacteria again, you will need to re-transform.
