Radioactive carbon - (Aug/30/2010 )
Is there anyone who is working with radioactive materials. I have to do the assay for transporters in oocytes of Xenopus. Every paper tells the concentration as 1mci/ ml. What I am not able to get is the amount in ml that has to be added for the assays. If anyone can help me please reply. Desperate to start the experiment, but not able to get the standardize the protocol. For example for 14 C Adenosine the conc is 98.6ug/ml as given in the product data sheet. I dont know how much Iam supposed to add from the stock and how to dilute it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
There should be a specific activity listed on the product sheet, which will usually be given in Becquerel per unit of mass. A Becquerel (Bq) and a Curie (Ci) relate as follows: 1 Ci = 3.7×10^10 Bq and 1 Bq = 2.70×10^−11 Ci.
yes, I need 1mCi of the material for my assays. How can I dilute the original stock
What is the specific activity listed on the product sheet?