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qPCR for telomere length measurement - efficiency issues - complicated monochrome multiplex assay with SYBR Green (Aug/17/2010 )

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Hello everyone,
I would like to ask if some of you, did have some troubleshooting with the amplification of the telomere, using the primers describe by, R.Cawthon 2009(Telg;telc) At the moment i am not able to amplify the telomere, which is stacking me, to set up the MMQPCR in my laboratory,Does somebody had experience the same situation?
I have try:
tel g: 200 nM
tel c: 700 nM
95 x 15 min
94 x 15 sec
49 x 60 sec
Repeat for a total of 2 cycles
85 x 20 sec
59 x 30 sec
Repeat for a total of 4 cycles (this stage is amplifying the telomere product, without amplifying the scg product)
94 x 15 sec
59 x 30 sec with signal acquisition
84 x 30 sec
85 x 20 sec with signal acquisition
Repeat for a total of 30 cycles
Thanks in advance,
I hope to heard someones answer..;D

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