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western blot woes - (Aug/02/2010 )

i know how to pour sds-page gels. i've been pouring gels for years. but the last *10* gels i've poured, the stacking gel hasn't set! i'm using the same reagents as the rest of the lab, the same glass plates, the exact same recipe - and my stacking gel, even after three hours, is still nice and runny. no one else in the lab is having this problem, just me! maybe there's some kind of weird anti-setting draft over my bench...


sera_tonin on Mon Aug 2 18:52:12 2010 said:

i know how to pour sds-page gels. i've been pouring gels for years. but the last *10* gels i've poured, the stacking gel hasn't set! i'm using the same reagents as the rest of the lab, the same glass plates, the exact same recipe - and my stacking gel, even after three hours, is still nice and runny. no one else in the lab is having this problem, just me! maybe there's some kind of weird anti-setting draft over my bench...

Normally that is due to the APS. Try a new one


laurequillo on Mon Aug 2 19:40:31 2010 said:

sera_tonin on Mon Aug 2 18:52:12 2010 said:

i know how to pour sds-page gels. i've been pouring gels for years. but the last *10* gels i've poured, the stacking gel hasn't set! i'm using the same reagents as the rest of the lab, the same glass plates, the exact same recipe - and my stacking gel, even after three hours, is still nice and runny. no one else in the lab is having this problem, just me! maybe there's some kind of weird anti-setting draft over my bench...

Normally that is due to the APS. Try a new one

but i'm using the same APS aliquots as everyone else - although, i finally got our tech to admit that he's been having problems too, so maybe it is faulty APS, even though others have been using it without a problem..
