RNeasy: B-Me vs. DTT - (Jul/27/2010 )
I just discovered that the QIAGEN RNeasy protocol says you can substitute DTT for B-Me in Buffer RLT for the elimination of RNases, but this only applies to isolation of RNA from animal tissue, not animal cells, yeast, plants, etc. This would be great since we use animal tissue, and it would mean we don't have to do the first few steps in the hood (stinky B-Me!). Does anyone know if there are any drawbacks to using DTT instead of B-Me, and why this substitution apparently only applies to animal tissue?
dtt is more expensive than b-me but you need less because dtt is a stronger reducing agent.
and dtt doesn't smell as bad as b-me.
I just discovered that the QIAGEN RNeasy protocol says you can substitute DTT for B-Me in Buffer RLT for the elimination of RNases, but this only applies to isolation of RNA from animal tissue, not animal cells, yeast, plants, etc. And dtt doesn't smell as bad as b-me.
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