Question about Tris HCl - Is Tris.Cl = Tris HCl (Jul/07/2010 )
Well, the title says it all. I need to prepare a Tris.Cl pH 8.5 solution and I want to make sure this is regular buffer.
I usually see it called Tris HCl, so I'm double checking. What's the abbrevation for this buffer?
Maddie on Jul 7 2010, 08:12 PM said:
I usually see it called Tris HCl, so I'm double checking.
But TE-buffer also contains EDTA (the 'E')
Oh hi Dr. Hob, you were faster than me ( I found out that it's not TE). What's the abbreviation then?
Maddie on Jul 7 2010, 08:18 PM said:
You mean TE?
Its a buffer often with 10mM Tris and 1mM EDTA.
No, I meant is there a shorter way to call Tris HCl? Looks like there isn't. TH would have been nice .
Maddie on Jul 7 2010, 08:37 PM said:

But Tris-buffer is quite short...shorter as MOPS and easier to pronounce than TAE is tris-hcl. we normally just call it tris and give the pH (eg-tris, pH 7.5). we know we used hcl (or tris-hcl) to adjust and write it on the label.
in publications, however, you need to spell it out as or tris-hcl (be consistent).
Thanks a lot gentlemen. I wanted to make sure I had this right before asking our QC section to prepare it (yeah we are lucky, we have people preparing our reagents).
I didn't know what TLE standed for so I learnt more than 1 thing