DNA extraction - (Jul/01/2010 )
hi mates,
I have to separate and extract DNA from a gel. The problem comes because the insert is 4.5kb and the plasmid 4kb. Do I have to use a .7% or 1% agarose? is it alright to use TAE or is better for this case the TBE?
thanks in advance
Your best bet would be to find an enzyme that cuts the vector but not the desired insert. Then you would have an easy time with the gel. I would use TAE and a 1% gel.
You might want to run it slowly to reduce heat and diffusion.
phage434 on Jul 1 2010, 06:54 PM said:
Your best bet would be to find an enzyme that cuts the vector but not the desired insert. Then you would have an easy time with the gel. I would use TAE and a 1% gel.
You might want to run it slowly to reduce heat and diffusion.
You might want to run it slowly to reduce heat and diffusion.
I already did a test and the problem was the separation of the two bands (I have to admit that I used a .7% gel and I ran it like there will not be tomorrow, at 150V). I will follow your indications