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Education - Where to start? (Jun/18/2010 )

First off im not totally sure this is the right forum or place on the forum to post this but im going to any way. So, i just graduated high school and im pretty much set on microbiology as a career. Now i just need to talk to a counselor but, are there more specialized fields then just microbiology, and if so can anyone through some titles my way. and where should i start as in class's?


It would probably help to tell us which country you plan on studying in (and maybe university too?) as the degree structures can vary considerably!


well I talked to the people at North Carolina University and it seems they added a new general microbiology course and medical microbiology and bacteriology course. United states would be the country.


StopplayingandB.cereus on Jun 20 2010, 06:44 AM said:

well I talked to the people at North Carolina University and it seems they added a new general microbiology course and medical microbiology and bacteriology course. United states would be the country.

The changes are high that you will change your ideas on what field you want to work in many times during your years at university.

So just pick the subject you think you are interested in and try to pass the first year.

Based on your experiences then you will decide more and more on what you really want...

And dont forget: the most people decide their speciality later on when they start working ...

A degree is a tool in order to proof you are able to do something but it doenst fix you on a certain career
(ok, I know that when you get a biology degree you are not going to get a job as a translater or ... , but you get the point I think....)

Well thats just my idea on it all.


Yes i understand what your saying and thank you.


StopplayingandB.cereus on Jun 28 2010, 12:15 PM said:

Yes i understand what your saying and thank you.

Well good luck with your study and let us know what you picked for college.
