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homozygous mutant and heterozygous mutant - (Jun/09/2010 )

Hi everyone

I just have problem understanding these terminologies. Could someone please make me clear what "homozygous mutant" and "heterozygous mutant" are?

Thank you in advance

-The Question-

Each diploid cell has two copies of every gene. Any given gene may contain a mutation. If only one copy of the gene contains the mutation it is a heterozygous mutant. If both copies of the gene contain the mutation it is a homozygous mutant.


doxorubicin on Jun 10 2010, 02:31 AM said:

Each diploid cell has two copies of every gene. Any given gene may contain a mutation. If only one copy of the gene contains the mutation it is a heterozygous mutant. If both copies of the gene contain the mutation it is a homozygous mutant.

Thank you Doxorubicin for removing the confusion.


-The Question-