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Apoptosis assay using fluorescent microscope rather than FACS - (May/31/2010 )

I am going to use the ImageXpress micro instrument which is a automated fluorecent microcope to look at apoptosis/necrosis in cells and im going to use the Vybrant apoptosis assay kit 7 that uses Propidium iodide, Hoescht and YO-PRO-1 dyes. However the protocol i got from are for flow cytometry use, Im just not sure how i can adapt a protocol for flow cytometry to fluorescent microscope, i guess with ImageXpress, my cells are all attached to the plate whereas flow cytometry protocol, the cells are in solutions. So I have questions like do I remove the dyes before imaging, do i fix cells or not etc, has anyone done apoptosis study with fluorescent microcope rather than FACS and has a good protocol for me to adapt, thanks.


TTT on May 31 2010, 09:44 AM said:

I am going to use the ImageXpress micro instrument which is a automated fluorecent microcope to look at apoptosis/necrosis in cells and im going to use the Vybrant apoptosis assay kit 7 that uses Propidium iodide, Hoescht and YO-PRO-1 dyes. However the protocol i got from are for flow cytometry use, Im just not sure how i can adapt a protocol for flow cytometry to fluorescent microscope, i guess with ImageXpress, my cells are all attached to the plate whereas flow cytometry protocol, the cells are in solutions. So I have questions like do I remove the dyes before imaging, do i fix cells or not etc, has anyone done apoptosis study with fluorescent microcope rather than FACS and has a good protocol for me to adapt, thanks.

in deed, the same dys are also to use in fluorescent microscopy; Invitrogen offers various protocols for their dyes; you should do live cell imaging

-Inmost sun-

TTT on May 31 2010, 01:44 AM said:

I am going to use the ImageXpress micro instrument which is a automated fluorecent microcope to look at apoptosis/necrosis in cells and im going to use the Vybrant apoptosis assay kit 7 that uses Propidium iodide, Hoescht and YO-PRO-1 dyes. However the protocol i got from are for flow cytometry use, Im just not sure how i can adapt a protocol for flow cytometry to fluorescent microscope, i guess with ImageXpress, my cells are all attached to the plate whereas flow cytometry protocol, the cells are in solutions. So I have questions like do I remove the dyes before imaging, do i fix cells or not etc, has anyone done apoptosis study with fluorescent microcope rather than FACS and has a good protocol for me to adapt, thanks.

Have you tried the APOPercentage kit from Biocolor. It uses light microscopy and is quantifiable.


i agree with inmost sun!

use the same dye, also the FACS staining protocol you can perform for microscopical use. the stained cells can then be brought onto a slide using so called cytospin.


TTT on May 31 2010, 02:44 AM said:

I am going to use the ImageXpress micro instrument which is a automated fluorecent microcope to look at apoptosis/necrosis in cells and im going to use the Vybrant apoptosis assay kit 7 that uses Propidium iodide, Hoescht and YO-PRO-1 dyes. However the protocol i got from are for flow cytometry use, Im just not sure how i can adapt a protocol for flow cytometry to fluorescent microscope, i guess with ImageXpress, my cells are all attached to the plate whereas flow cytometry protocol, the cells are in solutions. So I have questions like do I remove the dyes before imaging, do i fix cells or not etc, has anyone done apoptosis study with fluorescent microcope rather than FACS and has a good protocol for me to adapt, thanks.


scamp on Jun 9 2010, 02:38 AM said:

TTT on May 31 2010, 02:44 AM said:

I am going to use the ImageXpress micro instrument which is a automated fluorecent microcope to look at apoptosis/necrosis in cells and im going to use the Vybrant apoptosis assay kit 7 that uses Propidium iodide, Hoescht and YO-PRO-1 dyes. However the protocol i got from are for flow cytometry use, Im just not sure how i can adapt a protocol for flow cytometry to fluorescent microscope, i guess with ImageXpress, my cells are all attached to the plate whereas flow cytometry protocol, the cells are in solutions. So I have questions like do I remove the dyes before imaging, do i fix cells or not etc, has anyone done apoptosis study with fluorescent microcope rather than FACS and has a good protocol for me to adapt, thanks.


forgot to say
the apopercentage assay uses attached cells. You may be able to adapt the method.

APOPercentage manual


Thanks for the reply guys, I am going to use the Invitrogen dyes and adapt their flow cytometry protocol to fluorescent microscope protocol. I have decided to use propidium iodide, YO-PRO-1 and Hoest to discriminate apoptosis, necrosis and live cells, hope it works!