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Identify txn factors?? - (Apr/30/2010 )

Hi Guys! :D So I'm wondering if anyone knows if there's a 'final say' assay on what is or is not a transcription factor?

Basically, I'm trying to design a project and have a protein I THINK is a transcriptional regulator, because it's homolog is a txn factor, and some of the proteins it binds to are also txn regulators. I'm already planning to do a microarray to look at gene expression, followed by EMSA to see if it binds DNA in promoter regions of any genes that I get from the microarray.

If I have candidate genes, is the luciferase reporter assay the commonly used experiment to definitely say 'this is a txn factor'?

I'm not familiar with the luciferase assay. I gather that I put the promoter region of a candidate gene in front of the luciferase gene. When I transfect it in, with a plasmid for my protein, I look to see if transcript levels change? What if my protein requires co-activators?

Any input would be awesome. Thanks a bunch!!


The structures for connecting the tail of the male form differ between nematode species and therefore provide the opportunity to study determinants of morphology and evolution. The fact that the male is not necessary for the laboratory culture because the genetic analysis of strains due to attractive male can be easily maintained as hermaphrodites, and males can be considered defective.
