KpnI Restriction enzyme - how to detect the SNP (Apr/27/2010 )
hi i am new here:
I am trying to identify this SNP: Gly16Arg of beta2 adrenergic receptor gene.
I used this primer: F: 5‚-AGCCAGTGCGCTTACCTGCCAGAC-3‚
and the reverse primer:
Vesna D.ET,AL2002.
And The Restriction enzyme KpnI.
so how I can know the polymorphism as wild type or homo zygote SNP or hetero zygote.
I don't see any GGTACC in your primer sequence so I assume your RE site must be within your PCR product sequence. This depends how many bp your product is also. but if you digest and you see 2 or more bands on the gel compared to your original PCR product then the KpnI site must be there.
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